Our Paint Correction Package

Level 1 Paint Correction Package



  • Includes our Level 2 Exterior Detailing Package 
  • Paint decontamination
  • 1-step (or stage) polishing (65-75% of scratches removed)
  • Includes paint sealant

CALL (501) 259-4772


Level 2 Paint Correction Package 



  • Includes our Level 2 Exterior Detailing Package 
  • Paint decontamination
  • 2-step (or stage) compound and polish
  • 3-step (or stage) cutting, polishing, and jeweling (85-95% of scratches removed)
  • 2+3 wet sanding or color sanding 
  • Includes paint sealant

Vehicle Value Never Truly Goes Away - It Is Merely Hidden

Scratches, swirl marks, and other imperfections hold back the clarity, gloss, and VALUE of what you drive. With a quality paint correction service from Reed’s Auto Detailing, your ride can breathe free and shine brightly after all types of surface defects and discrepancies have been eliminated from its paintwork! In doing so, we reveal a flawless and glossy finish that still exists on your car, truck, or SUV’s clear coat. Don't settle for anything less than perfection when it comes to your car's paint – experience the remarkable results of automotive paint correction!


Paint correction is taken very seriously here at Reed’s Auto Detailing. We are all in on correcting and enhancing the finish of a variety of automobiles driven here in the Cabot, Arkansas area. With undying dedication to delivering exceptional paint correction services, we focus on end-result quality, attention to detail, and efficient processes when working on your automobile’s paintwork. Take a look around your automobile’s exterior - If it has swirl marks, etching, scrapes, nicks, or even stains from contamination that overstayed its welcome, our paint enhancement services are the perfect answer!

With our expertise, your vehicle will be flawlessly restored to its original shine at Reed’s Auto Detailing. For the ultimate paint correction experience, click below to start with a FREE price estimate for your car, truck, or SUV. While we do inspect your surfaces prior to ever taking a cutting pad and compound to it, our experience gives us the ability to provide you with an ACCURATE estimate to start. If you have any additional questions, concerns, or special requests for your paint correction appointment, please call (501) 259-4772 to explore our services further.

CALL (501) 259-4772

Walking Through Our Specialized Process of Paint Correction

Full Paint Defect Removal - By harnessing the power of our paint correction services, unsightly scratches, swirl marks, water spotting, and other surface imperfections are swiftly removed from your vehicle's paintwork. By skillfully leveling the surface and restoring its pristine smoothness, the paint correction process works its magic to grant your beloved automobile a gleaming and gorgeous finish. Not only does this impressive defect removal process here at Reed's Auto Detailing elevate your vehicle's appearance to unparalleled heights, but it also stops degradation from getting worse and extends the overall lifespan of your cherished ride.

Vehicle Paint Gloss Improvement - Paint correction results in a noticeable increase in gloss on the vehicle's paintwork that can improve your pride in what you drive. By removing surface-level defects and imperfections from your clear coat, the paint correction process at Reed’s Auto Detailing smooths the surface, allowing light to reflect more evenly which in turn creates a mirror-like shine. This enhanced gloss gives your car, truck, or SUV a showroom-like appearance, making it look well-maintained and brand new while significantly improving its overall aesthetic appeal.

Increased Automobile Value - With the powerful effects of the automotive paint correction packages here at Reed’s Auto Detailing, we are capable of restoring the original condition of your paintwork and better, make it appear more beautiful than it did leaving the showroom floor! This makes your ride look newer and well-cared for, and as a result, you will notice a profound increase in the resale value of the vehicle. Potential buyers are more likely to be attracted to an automobile with a flawless and glossy appearance as opposed to one covered in swirls and stains, as this effort reflects a higher level of care and attention to detail by the owner.

Specialized Paint Correction Process at Reed’s Auto Detailing

  • Professional Exterior Detailing

    During the initial phase of our paint correction services here at Reed's Auto Detailing, the car, truck, or SUV under our care undergoes a meticulous cleansing process to eliminate surface dirt and grime. Specifically, we incorporate one of our professional exterior detailing services to FULLY remove dust, dirt, and anything that obscures the current condition of your ride. Subsequently, decontamination is executed by employing a clay bar to effectively extract embedded contaminants from the paint. These procedures adequately prepare the vehicle's surface for the forthcoming paint correction process.

  • LED Light Inspection

    Building a roadmap around the paint correction process is our mission here at Reed’s Auto Detailing! After all contaminants have been cleared and your actual finish is exposed, we can now inspect its condition using one of our LED shop lights, taking note of what defects have collected where and the level of correction needed to rectify them. We can also identify specific problem areas where more defects and discrepancies may have occurred as opposed to others.

  • Cutting with Compounds

    Once the surface is clean and free from contaminants and we have inspected it to establish a game plan for your paint correction service, the actual paint correction process starts! The first step involves cutting with compounds. By combining these two, light surface abrasion occurs which gently removes an extremely thin layer of your vehicle’s clear coat. Because this is where swirls, scrapes, and nicks exist on your painted panels, this light removal of a clear coat is actually a leveling process that brings an evenness to your surfaces, eliminating defects, discrepancies, and stains.

  • Buffing and Polishing

    After the correction process is complete, the paintwork on your vehicle is now buffed and polished to enhance the gloss and clarity - The real draw that brings customers to our Cabot detailing studio for paint correction! This step helps to further refine the paint's appearance and bring out its full shine, which will then be embellished by our ceramic coating packages. Any remaining residue is removed, and final detailing touches are made to ensure the vehicle's paint is flawless.

CALL (501) 259-4772

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